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A football player was suddenly able to become a movie star. However, emerging artists foto model indo Emma Kurnia is a bit different. She claimed to only want to be a model, and it also is added one condition: without justifies any means.
"I just want to get serious in the foto model indonesia modeling world, but that does not mean have to justify all sorts of ways dong to accept the role and shooting the vulgar," she told after a photocall.
Beautiful girl of mixed blood of Indonesia and Japan, started her career as a model by mistake. Starting from the hobby who liked the photographs, and published it on his Facebook Emma Kurnia account, that dream became reality. Foto model indonesia Emma Kurnia has long harbored a desire to pursue professional model.
Girl born in Jakarta, foto Emma Kurnia seksi hot July 17, 1987 was very pleased to take pictures and "narcissistic" in various poses. From the photographs that he displayed on shooting up that's different offers come to girl. Ranging from automotive tabloids, magazines adult men, up to bid to become models of video clips and advertising an automotive product.
Despite claims just want to Emma Kurnia seksi hot get serious in the world model, it does not mean she did not want to spread its foto Emma Kurnia seksi hot wings into the acting world. She also had a couple of times to get an offer to play soap operas and movies. Various acting bid for several television movies have also been frequently approached. However, she largely rejected for one reason or another.
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