Foto artis seksi Reynavenzka Deyandra ' circulating on the Internet. Photos and article I took from
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Reynavenzka Deyandra, Fear Images Bad As 'Taring'
Foto artis seksi Reynavenzka Deyandra, relatively new artist in the world of the big screen. Only three films starring, including Taring movie, the latest claim new director Rizal Mantovani. Previous virgin who was familiarly called Reyna is starring in two films, Toilet Kamar 105 and Bahwa Cinta Itu Ada.
Of these three films, Foto artis seksi Reynavenzka called the film Taring is the most challenging film so far. That's because she got to wear lingerie and bikinis. "We were scared of people saw it ugly," she said when visited at Senayan City recently.
And indeed, the film did not intend to highlight the sensuality, but in fashion.
"Previously I had asked for permission each mama, and mama says it's okay, as long as it becomes the demands of professional work. If the outside was not to," said 18-year virgin.
Although still relatively young, Foto artis seksi Reynavenzka was quite have the guts as well. Currently undergoing shooting in Sukabumi, quite far from Jakarta, it was done alone without the company of her mother. "want to be independent and hopefully can," she concluded.
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