Foto artis seksi Mulan Jameela "cantik hot" - Although widely known as a singer, the figure of foto artis seksi Mulan Jameela is still a mother to her child. No wonder the daily life is filled with activities to make their food.
Mulan Jameel Pictures / photos Collections:

"I am happy to cook again, I masakin all the food the kids, the kids asked me what foods masakin. Cireng usually make," foto artis seksi Mulan Jameela said when met at the event Strikes RCTI, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, Tuesday (28/06 / 2011).
foto artis seksi Mulan Jameela also admitted that he had often made food for the child. Even trying to fulfill their requets.
"It has always been frequent masakin children, my children also ate hobby. The food of many kinds whatever they wanted me to try masakin," he concluded.
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