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Agni Pratistha Difficulties 'Style' Teens
If the first time he bears the Miss Indonesia is often the target of hunters news for questioning, now turn foto artis seksi Agni Pratistha did it. The reason, a woman from Central Java are now look alive with the world of journalism in Cosmogirl magazine.
She also pleaded not experience obstacles in writing, unless the force used by the media these teens or teenagers.
"The first point I must have read a lot, but that is difficult is to write in a style that more teenagers anymore. There, we are required to be sensitive again. Want baseball would have to mingle with them and ask them. I'm in a new rubric and celebrity interviews, health and futures as well, "she said at the Gallery Lounge, South Jakarta, Thursday.
Furthermore, another obstacle that she was experiencing was doing interviews on sources, which most young people with age adrift far from foto artis seksi Agni Pratistha.
Foto artis seksi Agni Pratistha."If my baseball writer found the problem, but if the interviews are usually rather difficult. Sometimes we are hard to find anyone who liked teenagers. Or have to wait for the latest movie who ya are going broke, the concept also. Anyway all-Teens, "she added and laughed.
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