Foto artis seksi Debby Ayu "bibir merah sensual" ' circulating on the Internet. Photos and article I took from
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Debby Ayu Want Role of Film Education
Always play sexy in every movie made Foto artis seksi Debby Ayu branded a sex boom. For Belfast-born girl 22 years ago, images of sex boom attached to girl is not a problem. Because she thought it only demands a role and very contrary to her personal life.
"If people think I'm sexy or image sex boom, it's up to the judge going to say anything, but really it's just demands of the role, is actually far from daily life for me, I also do not really like to use costumes that are open, as they often become open felt really uncomfortable, "said Foto artis seksi Debby Ayu in Dormitory Orphans and Du'afa, Lebak Bulus, South Jakarta, Sunday.
Foto artis seksi Debby Ayu has so far played 5 movies of them, Doa yang Mengancam, Kawin Kontrak Lagi, MBA (Married By Accident), Susuk Pocong, Tiran: Mati di Ranjang. With a view of the public who judge her sex boom, Debby Ayu fact that even grateful.
"In fact I'm even grateful if known as the sex boom means my role successfully as the character. But at other times can I explain through the virtual world or social networking sites if it's just not me original role, was a bridge of communication through there," she said.
Recognized by Foto artis seksi Debby Ayu that she wanted to play a role in the film that is educational side. She wanted to give something useful for society.
"Want to play in the movie that educates the existing educational value and useful to society, such as Cut Nyak Dien film or like film that picked up on the history of Indonesia such as Merah Putih movie so it would not be a movie that is so," added the artist who did not want to change the image of her sex boom .
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