Jet is referred to here is the F/A-22 Raptor, a nickname that reminds one of a kind of wild beasts in the movie T-Rex dinosaur. (Note: F / A symbolizes the characteristics of the jet, ie, as combatants and attacking aircraft, fighter and attack). This is a jet that has been coined 23 years ago, and now the most expensive fighter jet in history. Raptor has now entered the ranks of the Air Force (AU) AS (USAF).
Multiply record that can be made for F/A-22 Raptor. As reported by Tim Weiner in The New York Times (and published in the International Herald Tribune, 28/10 / 2004), by the U.S. Air Force Raptor called Babakan new mark in the history of air power. He is the most technologically advanced fighter plane ever built, as well as a fly stealth antenna (stealthy, not visible radar) that can capture enemy intelligence, and it is done, dropping smart bombs, and shot with a speed of 1,600 km per hour.
F/A-22 Raptor was developed in 1981 to meet the needs of U.S. Air Force will be advanced tactical fighter who also has a ground attack capability to replace the F-15 Eagle.
In that year, of course, the paradigm of the Cold War was still very thick. So, which is included in the mandated mission to the Raptor is a "break through the Soviet radars without being detected, and shoot down Soviet aircraft if World War III broke out."
In fact, F/A-22 require tempo 23 years to go from drawing board to production line, and into the ranks of U.S. Air Force fighter squadron. This means that the F/A-22 came when times have changed. Cold War is over, and the U.S. Air Force has now become the air force without equal. While the first enemy that must be faced now also has become the air force which was struggling to defend the glory. (See Andrew Brookes reports on Air International, August 2004.)
During the wait is nearly a quarter century, the F/A-22 was almost finished his story five years ago, that when members of Congress from Republicans trying to kill him. The author himself, Lockheed Martin, which is the largest military contractor in the U.S., it appears it could only feel calm now.
Besides Lockheed doubted the ability to realize the required capability, the reason to kill F/A-22 course money. With the price of 258 million dollars per aircraft, F/A-22 obviously much more expensive than any fighter ever made. The price was four times the price that had once mentioned by the U.S. Air Force, and five times higher than the price of the F-15 that he would replace.
Price aircraft manufacturing is supported by no less than 1,000 subcontractors in 43 states in the U.S. is derived from total orders worth 71.8 billion U.S. dollars to 277 jets, so that each aircraft worth 258 million U.S. dollars. Of course the price per unit will go down if the Pentagon had bought more. In contrast, the price will be more expensive if the Pentagon to buy less than 277, or if the plane should be enhanced in the future.
HISTORY F/A-22 might be reminiscent of the aircraft B-1B Lancer bomber and B-2 Spirit. Both are also designed to penetrate Soviet radar, but when it finally came, they faced a changed era. B-1B instead be included in the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. B-2 is now the aircraft (bombers), the most expensive in the world at over 1 billion U.S. dollars (USD $ 9 trillion) per unit.
However, with the sophistication of its technology, who is now to be faced by the F/A-22? Soviet jets, and now Russia, the technology did not exist at the same level with him. Then the countries that are now considered to threaten the U.S. does not have a jet fighter that can match the F-15 Eagle.
Naturally, if the question arises, whether the F/A-22 is the right aircraft for the future. At least that is expressed by Jacques Gansler, a former official at the U.S. Defense Department during the reign of Bill Clinton.
Year after year, writes Weiner, Raptor shift from the plane, which will be purchased in large quantities by the AU, a plane that is too expensive to be bought in large quantities.
Parties Lockheed himself explained, the plane take long to make because of the sophistication of technology mandated by him, but also because the opposition Congress and the resignation of payment. Two decades ago, U.S. Air Force plans to buy about 760 Raptors, based on initial price of 35 million U.S. dollars per unit. A decade later the plan aircraft orders dropped to 438, then to 339 in the late 1990s, and now to just 277. Military experts said such developments "Death Spiral," in which with the passage of time and the increasingly high cost of making a weapon that can be purchased by the Pentagon to shrink in number.
Indeed when to mismanagement, such situations can make the orders do not become manifest, for which the contractor may be able to make orders which are very expensive for its development, but then only purchased a little. But the leaders said Lockheed, fortunately escaped from the Raptor could nosedive into the abyss of death, although in 1999 his fate is really critical when the U.S. House Armed Services Committee then chaired by Republican politicians threatening to kill the program immediately.
WITH the entry of the F-22 Raptor in the ranks of active service, in addition to Lockheed are pleased, of course, U.S. Air Force. Lockheed itself, which this year is expected to reap sales of 35 billion U.S. dollars, still make the legendary F-16 jet, and is developing the future combat aircraft Joint Strike Fighter F-35 that would not only be used by the AU, but also by AL and Marines. The aircraft, which will be made in their thousands, by Lockheed executives had predicted would reach the status of "world domination", because in addition to be used in the U.S., the F-35 will also be used by the British, a number of NATO countries, Australia, and most likely Singapore.
Back on the F/A-22 Raptor, Lockheed may still be asked to monitor the performance of sophisticated homemade jet, the last two years still show problems in avionics or electronics flight. In fact, it is also related to its ability to detect enemy fighters far beyond the field of view of the pilot.
Now, 23 years after being developed, Raptor began serving. One of the aircraft production is raised (roll-out) from the Lockheed plant in Marietta, Georgia, October 27, last, and most expensive fighter in the world then join The 27 Combat Squadron at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia.
By operating the jet's most advanced and most expensive at the same time, the U.S. Air Force Air Force increasingly leave much else in the world. Air Force is for the procurement of four Sukhoi jet just have to deal with noisy controversy, would also see that how far the differences between himself and the USAF. But not only the Air Force who mumbled so, because other countries will also be a similar comment. That is what explains why the U.S. is the only superpower in the world.
Multiply record that can be made for F/A-22 Raptor. As reported by Tim Weiner in The New York Times (and published in the International Herald Tribune, 28/10 / 2004), by the U.S. Air Force Raptor called Babakan new mark in the history of air power. He is the most technologically advanced fighter plane ever built, as well as a fly stealth antenna (stealthy, not visible radar) that can capture enemy intelligence, and it is done, dropping smart bombs, and shot with a speed of 1,600 km per hour.
F/A-22 Raptor was developed in 1981 to meet the needs of U.S. Air Force will be advanced tactical fighter who also has a ground attack capability to replace the F-15 Eagle.
In that year, of course, the paradigm of the Cold War was still very thick. So, which is included in the mandated mission to the Raptor is a "break through the Soviet radars without being detected, and shoot down Soviet aircraft if World War III broke out."
In fact, F/A-22 require tempo 23 years to go from drawing board to production line, and into the ranks of U.S. Air Force fighter squadron. This means that the F/A-22 came when times have changed. Cold War is over, and the U.S. Air Force has now become the air force without equal. While the first enemy that must be faced now also has become the air force which was struggling to defend the glory. (See Andrew Brookes reports on Air International, August 2004.)
During the wait is nearly a quarter century, the F/A-22 was almost finished his story five years ago, that when members of Congress from Republicans trying to kill him. The author himself, Lockheed Martin, which is the largest military contractor in the U.S., it appears it could only feel calm now.
Besides Lockheed doubted the ability to realize the required capability, the reason to kill F/A-22 course money. With the price of 258 million dollars per aircraft, F/A-22 obviously much more expensive than any fighter ever made. The price was four times the price that had once mentioned by the U.S. Air Force, and five times higher than the price of the F-15 that he would replace.
Price aircraft manufacturing is supported by no less than 1,000 subcontractors in 43 states in the U.S. is derived from total orders worth 71.8 billion U.S. dollars to 277 jets, so that each aircraft worth 258 million U.S. dollars. Of course the price per unit will go down if the Pentagon had bought more. In contrast, the price will be more expensive if the Pentagon to buy less than 277, or if the plane should be enhanced in the future.
HISTORY F/A-22 might be reminiscent of the aircraft B-1B Lancer bomber and B-2 Spirit. Both are also designed to penetrate Soviet radar, but when it finally came, they faced a changed era. B-1B instead be included in the war in Afghanistan and Iraq. B-2 is now the aircraft (bombers), the most expensive in the world at over 1 billion U.S. dollars (USD $ 9 trillion) per unit.
However, with the sophistication of its technology, who is now to be faced by the F/A-22? Soviet jets, and now Russia, the technology did not exist at the same level with him. Then the countries that are now considered to threaten the U.S. does not have a jet fighter that can match the F-15 Eagle.
Naturally, if the question arises, whether the F/A-22 is the right aircraft for the future. At least that is expressed by Jacques Gansler, a former official at the U.S. Defense Department during the reign of Bill Clinton.
Year after year, writes Weiner, Raptor shift from the plane, which will be purchased in large quantities by the AU, a plane that is too expensive to be bought in large quantities.
Parties Lockheed himself explained, the plane take long to make because of the sophistication of technology mandated by him, but also because the opposition Congress and the resignation of payment. Two decades ago, U.S. Air Force plans to buy about 760 Raptors, based on initial price of 35 million U.S. dollars per unit. A decade later the plan aircraft orders dropped to 438, then to 339 in the late 1990s, and now to just 277. Military experts said such developments "Death Spiral," in which with the passage of time and the increasingly high cost of making a weapon that can be purchased by the Pentagon to shrink in number.
Indeed when to mismanagement, such situations can make the orders do not become manifest, for which the contractor may be able to make orders which are very expensive for its development, but then only purchased a little. But the leaders said Lockheed, fortunately escaped from the Raptor could nosedive into the abyss of death, although in 1999 his fate is really critical when the U.S. House Armed Services Committee then chaired by Republican politicians threatening to kill the program immediately.
WITH the entry of the F-22 Raptor in the ranks of active service, in addition to Lockheed are pleased, of course, U.S. Air Force. Lockheed itself, which this year is expected to reap sales of 35 billion U.S. dollars, still make the legendary F-16 jet, and is developing the future combat aircraft Joint Strike Fighter F-35 that would not only be used by the AU, but also by AL and Marines. The aircraft, which will be made in their thousands, by Lockheed executives had predicted would reach the status of "world domination", because in addition to be used in the U.S., the F-35 will also be used by the British, a number of NATO countries, Australia, and most likely Singapore.
Back on the F/A-22 Raptor, Lockheed may still be asked to monitor the performance of sophisticated homemade jet, the last two years still show problems in avionics or electronics flight. In fact, it is also related to its ability to detect enemy fighters far beyond the field of view of the pilot.
Now, 23 years after being developed, Raptor began serving. One of the aircraft production is raised (roll-out) from the Lockheed plant in Marietta, Georgia, October 27, last, and most expensive fighter in the world then join The 27 Combat Squadron at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia.
By operating the jet's most advanced and most expensive at the same time, the U.S. Air Force Air Force increasingly leave much else in the world. Air Force is for the procurement of four Sukhoi jet just have to deal with noisy controversy, would also see that how far the differences between himself and the USAF. But not only the Air Force who mumbled so, because other countries will also be a similar comment. That is what explains why the U.S. is the only superpower in the world.
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