This post is to discuss about the world's largest plant,
Did you know the world's largest flower size? If you answer the Rafflesia Arnoldi, then your answer is wrong. These plants are able to grow with up to three feet wide and can reach 11 kg weight. Wau is also great ...
These plants only appear in the forests of Sumatra and Kalimantan, the Indonesian state. But, did you know that Amorphophallus titanum or known by the name of The Titan Arum can reach three feet wide with a height of up to 3 feet, and able to weigh 80 kg or about 170 pounds! If you want to know the form of the flower, look at 500 rupiah banknotes in the past, yup that's dead flowers ever found in the interior of Sumatra Indoneaia.
Did you know the world's largest flower size? If you answer the Rafflesia Arnoldi, then your answer is wrong. These plants are able to grow with up to three feet wide and can reach 11 kg weight. Wau is also great ...
These plants only appear in the forests of Sumatra and Kalimantan, the Indonesian state. But, did you know that Amorphophallus titanum or known by the name of The Titan Arum can reach three feet wide with a height of up to 3 feet, and able to weigh 80 kg or about 170 pounds! If you want to know the form of the flower, look at 500 rupiah banknotes in the past, yup that's dead flowers ever found in the interior of Sumatra Indoneaia.
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