1. King Cobra (Ophiophagus Hannah)
It can be deadly and can reach 5.5 meters in size. Found in Thailand, South China, Malaysia, South India and Filifina.
It can be deadly and can reach 5.5 meters in size. Found in Thailand, South China, Malaysia, South India and Filifina.

2. Belcher's Sea Snake (Hydrophis Belcheri)
1 milligrams (mg) can be of Belcheri's enough to kill more than 1000 people in 15 to 35 minutes.
1 milligrams (mg) can be of Belcheri's enough to kill more than 1000 people in 15 to 35 minutes.

3. Krait (Bungarus Caeruleus)
Could be 15 times more lethal than cobra. Found in India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan
Could be 15 times more lethal than cobra. Found in India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan

4. Multibanded krait (Bungarus Multicinctus)
Its population already scarce. Found in China.
5. Yellow-Jawed Tommygoff (Bothrops asper)
This species is very rapidly proliferate and have many children, can be found in Mexico and South America.
6. Russell's Viper (Vipera Russellii)
Found in Sri Lanka, South China, India, Malaysia and Indonesia.
7. Philippine Cobra ( Naja Naja Philippinensis )
Di temukan di Filipina.
8. Taipan Snake Family
The most deadly species that live on land. A few milligrams (mg) can kill 100 people was able to more, 250,000 mice. Found in Western Australia.
9. Hydrophis Belcheri – Most Venomous Snake
racunnya paling mematikan dari semua jenis ular, 100 kali lebih mematikan dari Taipan.
Its population already scarce. Found in China.
5. Yellow-Jawed Tommygoff (Bothrops asper)
This species is very rapidly proliferate and have many children, can be found in Mexico and South America.
6. Russell's Viper (Vipera Russellii)
Found in Sri Lanka, South China, India, Malaysia and Indonesia.
7. Philippine Cobra ( Naja Naja Philippinensis )
Di temukan di Filipina.
8. Taipan Snake Family
The most deadly species that live on land. A few milligrams (mg) can kill 100 people was able to more, 250,000 mice. Found in Western Australia.
9. Hydrophis Belcheri – Most Venomous Snake
racunnya paling mematikan dari semua jenis ular, 100 kali lebih mematikan dari Taipan.
10. Black Mamba (Dendroaspis Polylepis)
Scariest snake in Africa, can reach 4.3 meters long
That's 10 snakes that have the most deadly Can worldwide. Snake that can kill its prey with a drop of poison is a lot we can meet in the wild, these snakes can paralyze its prey with a matter of minutes even humans can die due to snake it, Remember there are many more who have not ualar we know are in our sekliling, ,, be careful
Scariest snake in Africa, can reach 4.3 meters long
That's 10 snakes that have the most deadly Can worldwide. Snake that can kill its prey with a drop of poison is a lot we can meet in the wild, these snakes can paralyze its prey with a matter of minutes even humans can die due to snake it, Remember there are many more who have not ualar we know are in our sekliling, ,, be careful
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