Here are some tips on choosing toys for children;
Parents need to know the stages of child development, both age, emotional and physical.
Digunakan.jangan care about toy buying an expensive home, matching the abilities of children.
Security appliance play need to be considered, both of materials and performance of these tools.
Choose toys that color contrast and bright, to stimulate the child's sense of vision.
Make sure all the toys within the reach of children, to avoid injury when the child is trying to achieve.
children age six months or more like a toy y ang sounds and colored objects such as bells, bells, miniature bells, colorful pictures and soft bendabertekstur.
Give toys like lego and the like that have a variety of forms in children aged 9 months and above, or a similar toy that can be played during the shower.
No need expensive toys for your child. Little need a stimulus to stimulate creativity, and you can do this by making it yourself, of course, your creativity is required.
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